History of Tourist Brands in the Czech Republic: Overview of Tourist Heritage

Tourist brands play a key role in navigation for nature and adventure lovers, including in the Czech Republic. These brands allow you to explore the beautiful landscapes, historical sites and cultural monuments that this country has to offer. The history of tourist brands in the Czech Republic dates back to the 19th century and forms an important part of the Czech tourist heritage.

Beginnings of tourist brands

The first attempts to mark tourist routes in Bohemia date back to the middle of the 19th century. In 1864, the Prague Tourist Association (Touristenverein) published a book with route descriptions and map sketches, which served as the first tourist guide. At the end of the 19th century, various associations and organizations were created that tried to improve the tourist infrastructure and the marking of routes.

Czech Tourists Club

In 1888, the Club of Czech Tourists (KČT) was founded, which was the first Czech tourist association focused on the development of tourism and the maintenance of tourist routes. The club played a key role in the creation and marking of tourist routes in the Czech lands. When marking routes, they used special symbols and colors that became standard.

During the First Republic

During the period of the First Republic (1918–1938), there was further development of tourist signage. The creation of so-called „signposted routes“ was financed by the state and municipalities, which increased the availability of tourist routes. At that time, a network of mountain huts and cozy tourist hostels was created.

Post-war period

After the Second World War, the tourist signs were renewed and modified. New standards and brands were introduced that were understandable to all tourists. At that time, several state parks and protected areas were created in Czechoslovakia, which contributed to the development of tourism.

Era of Socialism

During the period of socialism, the maintenance of tourist routes and markings was provided by the state. New tourist routes and accommodation facilities were built. The socialist state promoted tourism as a cheap form of recreation and thus tourism became available to a wide range of the population.

After 1989

After the fall of communism in 1989, new possibilities for the development of tourism opened up. Many new tourist associations and organizations have been founded, which take care of the care of tourist routes and signs. Tourist signs have been modernized and expanded, and today they form a dense network of routes that cover the entire Czech Republic.

Today’s Status

Today, tourist signs in the Czech Republic are of different colors and indicate different types of routes – from short circuits around cities to long trips in the mountains. The Czech Republic offers rich opportunities for hiking, cycling and other outdoor activities.

Tourist signage in the Czech Republic is an important part of the agricultural and cultural landscape. It provides tourists with the opportunity to discover the beauty of Czech nature and history and contributes to the development of regional tourism. Tourist routes are often connected with historical monuments, nature reserves and places of cultural significance, which makes the marking of tourist routes an important element of the Czech cultural heritage.

If you are planning a trip to the Czech Republic, don’t forget to check out the local tourist signs that will guide you to the best that this beautiful country has to offer.